Create prospect through customized lead generation

Lead Generation

Generate the best prospect through industry specific lead generation

What We Do Best

To qualify leads every marketer need to talk to the people. Appoint Scheduling is always a necessary step to convert the soft responses to a lead for sales.

At BtoB DataBoxx, we used our indepth data research methodology to understand the prospects and its behavious. Our experienced team connect with these prospects with relevant information gathering to create the objectives for a succesfull Appointment.


Define your target market


Create demand through outbound and inbound process


Determine the business need.


Ensuring the necessary compliance.

Since we have been through the process and understand the effort that goes into Appointment Setting, we assign you telemarketers who are self-dependent and experts at setting appointments.

Connect with us for getting qualified leads at (650) 442-1079 for a free one-to-one discussion or email us at [email protected]

Success Counts


Global Contacts

Industry Segments

Tech Install Base

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(916) 460-9391